Common ground from between the two conceptual pillars as witness to the true picture of our existence.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Travelling Companions

To recap just a little; the relative phenomena of electricity, light and heat are certainly well known as being closely linked. It is interestingly, the most recently 'discovered' of these phenomena, being electricity/electrical impulse, that is also widely regarded as perhaps the best understood, even though it is not so generally recognized that electricity and heat always travel together. Indeed, we are about to witness a further previously unjoined dot or two into this emerging glorious artwork. So how much do we really know about this stuff that we use day and night, and which has become the central commodity for every aspect of our living out our contemporary lives?

We have in previous posts, witnessed that electricity is the identical occurrence, whether it manifests itself from within storm clouds, via an interaction between highly charged (+ve) and (–ve ) regions, or from between the two halves of the brain. We have also witnessed that electrical impulse and heat always travel together. In fact, they are far more than traveling companions, but are two interlinked aspects of the same thing. In a similar manner that a car has an engine and a body, which seem like entirely different things, but one without the other is absolutely pointless, as they always need to travel together in order to make any sense, and more importantly; be of any useful purpose.

The fact that electrical impulse and heat always travel together, is the very reason it has been so easy to use electrical current to provide 'artificial' heat for so long. However, as we will soon enough see, the word ‘artificial’ in this context, could not be more inappropriate, as the heat within electricity is as natural as the sun rising over the horizon in the morning. Furthermore, despite what man thinks, he neither creates electricity nor uses it to generate heat, but rather has simply been able to harness the heat from within the electrical impulse he has learned to utilize.

For generations, electricity has been used directly, through appliances such as radiators, irons, toasters, light fittings and the like in the home, which all produce heat for varying uses, or alternatively, as a by-product to a different purpose. However as we have witnessed through this expose, the heat produced through such means, is not so much generated, as it is released or transferred outwards from within the electric current, into the medium, such as an iron or toaster, and from there transferred again into the items requiring heating, such as a shirt, or the surrounding air.

The heat, as being released from within the electricity rather than, as has been until now the general understanding, is very important in what we will be delving into throughout our witnessing process in this blog. It is a specific which, while it might sound reasonably irrelevant, is actually truly essential in the understanding of the ‘What Is’ of the natural environment in which we exist. Normally, a man ironing his shirts for the week doesn’t much care how the heat in his iron got there, as long as his shirts look smart at the end of his efforts, but the fact is that the entire appliance he holds in his hands, does not generate heat at all, but rather works at controlling the heat released from within the electrical current it uses, to optimum working temperatures.

Of course, electrical current is not only used in the home for heating, but for many other purposes, such as with lighting fixtures, vacuum cleaners, television, refrigerators and such, however whenever any of these products are designed for manufacture, one of the most essential considerations the designer needs to take into account is just how he is going to get rid of the, in most cases, very annoying by-product; heat. For it matters not what the general requirement is for the electrical supply, nevertheless it will be bringing with it, unavoidable inculcated heat, which in the case of most appliances will ultimately be very damaging to the mechanics. Hence the essential need to dispense of it as soon and efficiently as possible.

Obviously, the same rules apply to wherever electricity is the source of power in, and outside of the home, and especially in industry, for unavoidable heat is simply the very nature of this extremely useful commodity. Whilst with industry, the scales change considerably, yet the basics will never vary, as any usage will always bring with it, a level of heat, relative to the quantity of current being drawn, as being a natural inseparable part of that very power source. So with that essential and obvious but not generally understood dot now joined, let us continue to seek and connect further hitherto unrecognized dots in our process of the witnessing of ‘What Is’ (YAHWEH).

Amazingly, there is a complementary crucial dot requiring of it's own witnessing right here, which is not only a related twin observation from the same source, likewise requiring an urgent update to long standing scientific misunderstanding, but is an even more fundamental observation to make in our understanding of 'What Is'.

Although this particular observation may seem relatively incongruous for many, nevertheless, the further this blog continues and develops, we will be witness that; as unusual as this may sound upon first hearing, it simply MUST be an authentic, scientific and fiducial observation for a whole range of reasons. The developing clarification of this particular observation will not only be as a dominant correction to general misunderstanding, but will shed a most premium illumination (in more ways than one) on the 'What Is' of our existence than anything so far discussed.

If we look at the humble incandescent light globe for instance, as has been employed for maybe 150 years, we will soon see, in a very similar fashion to the manner heat is released from within electricity in a toaster, rather than being generated by the usage of the power source; so it is with the other main product of electrical usage, that we call ‘light’.

It has long been regarded that the electrical current, as it is forced under pressure through the tightly coiled thin metal strand called a filament, effectively burns the filament to a level of reasonably ‘white hot’, and in so doing ‘creates’ light; and also producing the by-product heat. Such was the explanation given to enthusiastic 16 year old students, as they attended high school science in the early 1970’s; amongst their number, being a young Zootsoup.

It must be noted that Zootsoup has, until now, had a major problem with the explanation above, as generally explained, being such; PROBLEM: it was in the same class room, where we heard of the principle of the light globe as the electricity ‘burning’ the filament as it passes through; that we also had explained that whenever anything burns (combustion), what is actually happening is that the substance being burnt, is undergoing a reaction called oxidization, in which the burning process is effectively joining it's atomic particles with oxygen from the surrounding air. Thus; no air, no oxidization (burning).

HUH? Well I may not be the sharpest pick in the dirt, but methinks something is just not adding up here, so is it the math we need to blame or something else? Let us witness this thing together.

As a light globe supposedly contains only a vacuum, from whence is the required oxygen supply being drawn in the "burning" of the filament, I ask? Secondly, if it is burning, why does it take so long to burn out? For as we all know, this never actually happens, but rather the undamaged filament eventually breaks cleanly, mostly without any visible effects whatsoever of any ‘burning’.

Therefore, whilst I acknowledge that science in many ways has generally moved on since that vintage, yet I am unaware of any major variation in this particular understanding, as such. Interestingly, when it was explained 36 years ago, it made quite reasonable sense at that time, however even if science has failed to advance in this regard since then, there is no reason why, as a true witness to ‘What Is’, we should also remain oblivious and defiantly stagnant. Therefore, and as we will be further learning, electricity is a far more complex and fascinating reality of ‘What Is’, than anyone has ever realized. Such are the amazing dots we are witnessing as being right now joined - for the first time.

So, now to the updated explanation as to why an electrical current passing through a light globe delivers the illumination we see every night in our homes. Likewise with a toaster, where the heat within the electric current is discarded as the flow is forced through narrowing metal elements, so it is with the filament of a light globe. What actually occurs is that as the electricity is forced under pressure through the narrowing tightly spun metallic filament, a certain percentage of the particles of the electricity are released, for illumination.

In other words, as the light globe filament is much finer than a toaster 'element', a greater percentage of the electrical energy, is discarded or more correctly 'cast off', being in this case, both HEAT and 'LIGHT'. The electric current under pressure, simply cannot all at once fit through the fine filament, so consequently a percentage of the particles that make up the electric current, are cast outwards at the speed of 'LIGHT' – for that is precisely what they are. Furthermore, the finer the filament in a light globe, the greater percentage of the current is cast off, and the more powerful the resultant illumination (LIGHT).

A useful definition of 'LIGHT' is that there exists in the natural ‘What Is’, enormous quantities of invisibly small particles of light, as streaming away from their source in an invisible manner through space, at incredible speed until such time that they eventually collide with something of matter (solid object) being illuminated. It is this collision with matter, and subsequent reflection of those particular light particles, towards and into the retina of our eyes, that is the stuff of illumination. We can witness an evidence of such, in how a camera operates; by capturing these same reflected light particles on the film after bouncing off the surface of the matter (solid object). The denser regions of captured light particles therefore being the whiter areas of the resultant photo, with the less dense being the darker.

In the case of our light globe then, the percentage of particles of electric current as forced out of the stream passing through the filament, are actually as cast off, or sprayed outwards, similar to a spray of water droplets that will be released in all directions, if the end of a thick hose conveying water under high pressure was forced up against a much thinner hose. The particles of light from within the electric current that cannot be accommodated by the finer filament (thinner hose) are likewise sprayed outwards in all directions, setting them on their course at the incredible speed of light, to find and bounce off anything of matter.

The light globe filament then, whilst it certainly becomes grilled by the inherent heat within the electrical current, does not burn in any way, but is merely the (fine hose) catalyst for the sprayed release of a great many light particles from within the flowing pressurized current, thereby filling the surrounding space with those same 'LIGHT' particles, that can only be seen after bouncing off the objects in their path of velocity, and from there projected onto the retina doing the seeing; until such time that the electric current is again turned off.

And so we march on with the astounding illumination available from within the witnessing of the greater ‘What Is’ (YAHWEH).

About This Blog


This blog is not for the purpose of argument, but rather for logical and (even) impassioned discussion as generally between the concepts that humans have long chosen as comfortable to lean upon; and thereby placing their trust. As such, the two main pillars of understanding are clearly; 'religion', and 'science'. For the purposes of this discussion, we are including a third (YAHWEH), with the expectation that such will be the revealing 'common ground' concept between these two fundamentals of
traditional steadfastness.

Truth, it has been said, is different things to different people, however there MUST exist something that might be referred to as 'Ultimate Truth', which does not rely upon anyone (at all) accepting it, for it's rightful existence in the cosmos. We expect such a concept will reveal itself in the process of this discussion forum, as a self explanatory resolve to the age old argument between the two conceptual pillars of understanding, as mentioned above. Therefore, it is expected that the resolve reached will not be so much 'common ground', as undeniable truth, and hence referred to as our 'YAHWEH" option.

Naturally, it is to be expected that the die hard extremists from either side will necessarily reject the revealing outcomes, whilst not being entirely able to argue their way around the emerging joining of hitherto unconnected factual dots, leading us towards the resultant completed picture, hereby referred to as 'YAHWEH'.

So, this will be an exercise as it were, in joining up the FACTUAL dots, in order to reveal what has been long hidden in a mind-boggling plethora of various pieces of abounding information; which includes both fact and myth, provable and debatable; as presented from both sides of the equation.

Impossible you say? Maybe, but let's put our collective mind in a place where reason, discernment and fact have a fighting chance to converge and amalgamate. After all, we will not be inventing the resultant amalgam of 'WHAT IS' and 'why it is so', but merely allowing ourselves to recognize the validity of what has always been.

That which is not acceptable

As an ongoing discussion, this blog is interested only in facts and truth as emerging from our efforts to JOIN THE DOTS. As such, certain words, phrases and attitudes are to be disallowed as within this purpose. Included are such as defamatory and/or derogatory terms against any individual and any harsh language which is not absolutely necessary in the making of the particular point on offer. Also, whilst passion in varying belief/s and even attitudes is encouraged; any form of suggested violence towards any individual (contributor or otherwise) will not be tolerated, and will result in the contribution being excluded.

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About Me

Zootsoup **Is NOT a religious soul and adheres NOT to any known religious accord, however has a reasonable level of scriptural insight and (to a relative degree): TRUST. **Is NOT a scientist, however has a reasonable level of scientific perception and (to a relative degree): TRUST. So one's main objective is to be as free a thinker and WITNESS of **WHAT IS** as possible, for the place has long since passed of a sense that any level of indoctrination into the belief systems of others is where one is required. And it's a must to add that one much prefers oneself when one is allowing oneself to freely develop the 'one'. And how obvious should that be?