Common ground from between the two conceptual pillars as witness to the true picture of our existence.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Lying Wonders

As the world's eyes are being opened to the highly suspicious and plainly absurd, we might do well to have another peek into an event, so indelibly ingrained into our belief structure that few of us ever think of questioning, which is all part of the plan of course.

For it seems 'they' still want us to believe that 40 years ago, when the most powerful computer possible was well below the working capacity of today's $10 digital wristwatch, they were able to accomplish, without so much as a hitch, on three separate occasions no less, an event of truly WONDROUS proportions, such that even today they cannot reproduce. Go figure!


Jeremiah 10:2 - Thus saith the ETERNAL CREATOR, 'Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not awed at the signs in heaven; for the heathen are awed at them.'

Matthew 24:24 - For there shall arise false Messiahs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

2 Thessalonians 2:9 - Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.

Please Note: Zootsoup chooses to be one who, at the very least; is avoiding being deceived by the lying wonders in the heavens. Furthermore, I believe that such an amazing feat will NEVER be accomplished; for good reason, as we will find out through our further witnessing process.

As we can see, this has actually been an observation of 'WHAT IS - NOT'! For in being a witness to 'WHAT IS', it is vitally necessary to, at the same time; eliminate 'WHAT IS - NOT'!

About This Blog


This blog is not for the purpose of argument, but rather for logical and (even) impassioned discussion as generally between the concepts that humans have long chosen as comfortable to lean upon; and thereby placing their trust. As such, the two main pillars of understanding are clearly; 'religion', and 'science'. For the purposes of this discussion, we are including a third (YAHWEH), with the expectation that such will be the revealing 'common ground' concept between these two fundamentals of
traditional steadfastness.

Truth, it has been said, is different things to different people, however there MUST exist something that might be referred to as 'Ultimate Truth', which does not rely upon anyone (at all) accepting it, for it's rightful existence in the cosmos. We expect such a concept will reveal itself in the process of this discussion forum, as a self explanatory resolve to the age old argument between the two conceptual pillars of understanding, as mentioned above. Therefore, it is expected that the resolve reached will not be so much 'common ground', as undeniable truth, and hence referred to as our 'YAHWEH" option.

Naturally, it is to be expected that the die hard extremists from either side will necessarily reject the revealing outcomes, whilst not being entirely able to argue their way around the emerging joining of hitherto unconnected factual dots, leading us towards the resultant completed picture, hereby referred to as 'YAHWEH'.

So, this will be an exercise as it were, in joining up the FACTUAL dots, in order to reveal what has been long hidden in a mind-boggling plethora of various pieces of abounding information; which includes both fact and myth, provable and debatable; as presented from both sides of the equation.

Impossible you say? Maybe, but let's put our collective mind in a place where reason, discernment and fact have a fighting chance to converge and amalgamate. After all, we will not be inventing the resultant amalgam of 'WHAT IS' and 'why it is so', but merely allowing ourselves to recognize the validity of what has always been.

That which is not acceptable

As an ongoing discussion, this blog is interested only in facts and truth as emerging from our efforts to JOIN THE DOTS. As such, certain words, phrases and attitudes are to be disallowed as within this purpose. Included are such as defamatory and/or derogatory terms against any individual and any harsh language which is not absolutely necessary in the making of the particular point on offer. Also, whilst passion in varying belief/s and even attitudes is encouraged; any form of suggested violence towards any individual (contributor or otherwise) will not be tolerated, and will result in the contribution being excluded.

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About Me

Zootsoup **Is NOT a religious soul and adheres NOT to any known religious accord, however has a reasonable level of scriptural insight and (to a relative degree): TRUST. **Is NOT a scientist, however has a reasonable level of scientific perception and (to a relative degree): TRUST. So one's main objective is to be as free a thinker and WITNESS of **WHAT IS** as possible, for the place has long since passed of a sense that any level of indoctrination into the belief systems of others is where one is required. And it's a must to add that one much prefers oneself when one is allowing oneself to freely develop the 'one'. And how obvious should that be?