I have been considering of late, regarding a reasonably simple observation, pertaining to how color combination works, which is interesting to contemplate as it relates to how our mind, perception and conclusion operates.
As a purely arbitrary suggestion, consider (for example) the primary tones of red and yellow. It will become increasingly obvious the further this goes, that it matters not which colors we choose, for the same rule will apply whatever combination one may select for this experiment. So the red and yellow, both termed 'primary' colors as they are original and cannot be produced through the combining of other hues, will upon being blended and merged, develop into a rather interesting amalgam; when they become an entirely new tone, not surprisingly; orange. A little more red, and we will have a deeper orange; a little more yellow, will reveal a lighter hue, but the result will always be a variety of orange - or so it would appear to the human eye.
The rather odd thing is that the two strong, vital and independent original colours seem to have disappeared in the process of becoming an entirely new entity. But have they in fact disappeared? Our eyes will certainly suggest to us that they have. And our experience in this type of blending will provide us with a mental picture of the process and result as well as the ability to imagine the two originals from the finished product, but could it be that our perception is confused to some extent?
Well, in fact our eyes are deceiving us, and we are in danger of seriously misreading this result, for any suggestion that the two primary tones when combined; make an entirely separate third entity, actually relies upon the elimination of the two originals, but how can that be? If they are indeed eliminated, there would be no color at all remaining in the mix. So on deeper observation it becomes clear that such a suggestion must be erroneous, or should I say 'inadequate'. Therefore, I would like to offer an alternative explanation for the sake of our blog investigation; and especially our developing witnessing.
It would appear obvious to me that even though our eyes may indeed cease to recognize the red and yellow originals, and therefore at the most basic level we may conclude, that we are now looking only at one tone - orange, this is a quite incomplete settlement, for it must be that our eyes are actually beholding three things at the same time, yet only recognizing one thereof. We are in fact viewing the original red, the original yellow, and thirdly; the mixed blend. It would seem obvious then, that the red and the yellow have not disappeared into the composite mix at all, but have merely become disguised by the resultant melange.
In a very similar manner, it is with our observations of the electrical discharge from the instantaneous spark of lightning, the ongoing creation from the awesome spark at the core of planet Earth, the even more astounding spark emitting light from within our Sun, and the most supreme of all - spark of electrical impulse from between the two electro-magnetic hemispheres of our brain. They each rely upon the respective and separated positive and negative charge being generated, and in a similar fashion to our red and yellow primaries coming together - merge, and thereby; releasing the 'orange' blend of electrical discharge.
As we have already witnessed, our 'orange' amalgam of enormous power, as released by the spark from each of the above interactions, in fact retains two completely separate natures running concurrently, which appear entirely merged into our composite result (Electrical discharge), but amazingly retains it's double natured integrity, being (perhaps) voltage (yellow) and heat (red). So the natural order of such things dictates, on a second by second basis, for the past many thousands of years at least, of our historical record and beyond; such a series of ongoing events, as we personally have absolutely no control over, but in contrary have total control at every possible level over our very physical existence.
The next step in our process of the witnessing of previously unrecognized and therefore disconnected dots, will actually be one that, at this time, is a little more requiring of a level of faith, however this is not a faith in something we know nothing of. For as per our ongoing witness, there is an absolutely definable order to the natural 'What Is', which can only be explained at any acceptable and reasonably intelligent level, by beholding the obvious fact that some ONE has THEIR/HIS Royal Stamp on and over **EVERYTHING** in existence, and has provided us with sufficient evidence to witness the realities of "What Is".
For surely it is a far more enormous leap of faith to witness the amazingly exquisite delicacy and the concurrent stunning complexity of every aspect according to the 'What Is' of our existence, and from there proclaim it all as a result of some incomprehensible primeval happenstance, such as effectively robbing us of our very ability to reason in a logical and distinctly human fashion. Such a conclusion would seem to me, to be relying upon a far more fanciful set of circumstances, that are nothing, if not entirely unlikely and unrewarding.
Therefore, as far as this blog is concerned, the generally accepted scientific understanding, which at best, had only a tenuous and highly unlikely grasp upon being 'respectable' in the first place, is now in the process of being entirely discredited by the ongoing witnessing of our progressive investigations, and particularly with the previous post. So now, as we continue to delve deeper, we will discover further scientific evidence, that will prove beyond doubt what we have already been witness to.
Of course, for the more astute and open minded among us, there really is no further requirement of such need. On the other hand, for the more determinedly extremist hard nut, absolutely nothing will convince, other than holding the physical Hand of the Creator Himself perhaps. But then, that will not make him happy either, for he will undoubtedly ask the question "How could it be possible for a 'man' (which HE is NOT), as attached to this non human like 'hand', to create everything there is?", and with such a question; he will have finally arrived at the truth of the matter, and depart without ever realizing so.
So who is being left out of our observations of late? Oh yes - our friend the religionist. So it might be an interesting exercise to have a peek, into where he fits in our emerging picture frame of 'WHAT IS', as has been developing for our witness.
**I must note: I am NOT referring here to those beautiful, gentle and blessed servants who faithfully 'observe' some religion in the name of service to our ETERNAL FATHER, but rather those dogmatic sponges who enforce religion, especially through the extravagant use of a cattle prod dipped in (disguised) guilt - all in the name of feeding the insatiably ravenous receptacle of offering; and we each have at least one of these moralistic leeches in our past.
I have to admit, the more I look at his place in the emerging picture of our existence, the more it is obvious that he is at the very core of all the confusion and misreading of the natural order of our very being. It is he who has devoted his efforts for centuries to dreamlike superstitions of myth and fancy. More than that, as he entirely expects us to follow suit in the most convenient manner available to him. For sadly he doesn't even attempt to look at 'WHAT IS', much less seek reasoned explanation. After all, how could he really; with his nose stuck inside a book of the ancients, seeking for new ways to bind his constituents in deeper fear through deeper guilt, or alternatively seeking for new superstitions to explain with greater conviction, that we are lost; if we so much as attempt to find reason and explanation – as outside the ‘holy writ’ of 2000, 3000 and 4000 years ago - all as interpreted through his avaricious eyes? Heck above, they didn’t understand it when it was fresh and new - and with the writer standing next to them, so how can they expect to drag us back there from our ‘now’ of greater understanding of 'WHAT IS'?
Of course, he will not be comfortable with any of this, to any greater degree than the scientist buried beneath his (respective) fanciful belief structure, as most assuredly more in line with the religious extremism of mythological dream, than with explainable, definable, observable and empirical fact through the sheer witness that any man, woman; yes even child is profoundly entitled to make.
So we have the amazing observation that the constitutive and vital, primary colors red and yellow become blended, and the result appearing to the untrained eye as a distinct third entity, apparently eliminating the original two; when in fact we are looking at three separate things at the same time. And so it is with electrical discharge, where we have the completely innocuous positive and negative electro-magnetic charges coming together in a spark (more correctly termed an 'ARC'), either through an atmospheric development within storm clouds or by the wondrous design between our ears, or at the core of creation itself located at the center of our planet, and thereby releasing a third entity called 'light' or 'electricity', which in actuality are - the same thing!
HUH? Did I really just type that last observation, completing the previous paragraph? Was that a mistake? Let us have a closer look at this, and see what we find?
Yes indeed 'light' and 'electricity' are actually two different words for the very same thing. Light is electricity, and electricity is light - one and the same. Two words identifying the exact same entity. Is that a sufficient response? Yet I hear the murmurings of severe doubt in my reader, so what about I attempt to explain such an outlandish statement? Let us see if I can convince my worthy reader some.
Following, are but a few definable scientific observations;
a. It is a well known scientific fact that (ONLY) these two entities (provided they are different) are the ONLY TWO known forces that actually travel at the same velocity, the ultimate 'speed of LIGHT' no less; being the essential parameter of Einstein's ground breaking understanding of 'What Is', at roughly 186,000 miles per second. Nothing else comes anywhere close to this ultimate speed.
b. Both light and electricity have two completely separate and concurrent dimensions to their nature/stream - wave and particle.
c. Both exist as a combination of two opposites, which by all the known laws of science cannot exist together at the same time at all, but in these two FORCES only – actually do!
d. Both come into existence through the combining via an 'ARC' of two innocuous and opposite (spiritual) regions of charge, which thereby releases the double strand entity 'POWER'.
e. Both these forces carry enormous levels of heat on board, able to easily and instantly melt substances such as steel and rock, provided the level of charge is sufficient.
f. The first scientific use of 'electricity' was to release 'light' - via Thomas Edison.
g. The same ‘electricity’ that releases ‘light’ (in a globe), is actually gathered from the environmental electro-magnetic radiation as released by the sun (which provides us with the 'light' of day and night), as subsequently ‘captured’ by generators. This electro magnetic radiation is generally called 'sunlight'. Therefore it is easy to witness; 'electricity' comes from 'light' and 'light' from 'electricity'.
h. Both 'light' and 'electricity' (if they were two different things) are entirely invisible to the naked eye. They both produce mighty evidence of their presence in the physical results of their activity, but neither can actually be seen in and of itself.
So there we find no less than eight different commonalities between the two powers (if they were different) known as ‘light’ and ‘electricity’, however interestingly enough; not one of these eight definitions belong in commonality with any third entity in the known universe.
For mine, the most astounding observation to come out of this above list, is the fact that both electricity and light (if they were different things) actually come into existence in exactly the same manner - as a result of an 'ARC' between two entirely spiritual regions - the identical - the SAME spiritual regions. Neither of the (+ve) and (-ve) regions of electro-magnetic charge that eventually ARC into existence the enormous resultant ‘power’ as released, in fact have any ‘substance’ whatsoever to them. They cannot be touched, cannot be grabbed, cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be smelled, cannot be measured. In fact, to our every human sense, they do not exist at all, until their resultant ARC announces their very real actuality in a most profound manner.
The second amazing thing to derive from our above list of observations, is that neither light nor electricity (if they were different things), can actually be seen with the naked eye, but the results of their ‘work’ is most visible. (HUH?)
Some may be surprised at the concept that we cannot see light (in particular), yet who has not looked up into the sky at night, and witnessed only a black nothingness except for a few dots and a moon? So what, you may ask?
Well, have you ever considered that that same sky that you are looking up into, is actually chock filled with the same light from the same (our) sun as is obvious during daytime? So why isn't it obvious at night? Actually, it is a definable reality that there is abundantly more light in the 'heavens' at night than ever enters our atmosphere during the day hours – but no-one can see any of it, save the effect upon the few objects (such as the moon or satellites) - when a minor portion of the stuff bounces off, on it’s way to being reflected towards the pupils of our eyes.
So again; the only light we actually ever see are those very few particles that bounce off the objects around us, on their course to being re-directed into the pupils of our eyes to be captured for our vision. The vastly enormous majority of the light particles abounding about us at any time are entirely unknown to us - moving way too fast for our eyes to see, and way too small to boot. The phenomenon of photography is based upon the camera acting in accordance with our eyes, and thereby similarly capturing a few of these amazing light particles after reflection; and after passing through the aperture and lens, and finally embedding themselves on the film.
Therefore light and electricity are NOT, and NEVER WERE two separate entities at all. They are amazingly but simply the very same thing, with two separate names – like ‘pooch’ and ‘dog’, ‘feline’ and ‘cat’, or ‘car’ and ‘automobile’ - entirely the same double composite entity; as co-joined through an ARC process - entirely from within the spiritual realm, on it's passage to become entirely physical. Both identical, however presenting with different terminology; due entirely to differing eras - ancient and modern, and a lack of understanding.
Again; Light and electricity;
** BOTH at the same time being a co-existent; spiritual AND physical.
** BOTH on their journey from the entirely spiritual - to becoming entirely physical.
** BOTH entirely invisible (spiritual), but the effects of both tangible (physical).
** BOTH generated in the heavenly realm, but finding their fulfilment in the earthly.
** BOTH regarded as a 'POWER' that gives 'LIFE' - to 'matter/substance/flesh'.
But the truth is that all the (**BOTH) observations above are consummately obsolete, because they are NOT two things at all. We were given the term ‘light’ at least 3000 years ago, however the word ‘electricity’ entered our dictionaries around 250 years ago, when the scientists of the era (principally Benjamin Franklin) believed they had discovered an entirely new and amazing power source that changed the world overnight, without ever realising it was exactly the very same commodity that they looked towards the east each morning to seek shine anew upon their faces.
For what they had actually succeeded in doing was (not for the first time) capturing small portions of the abundant atmospheric LIGHT on stream, just as a camera or our eyes capture portions of the electro-magnetic stuff. They then managed to direct what they had caught where they chose - as along a carriage such as a metal wire; rather than what they believed, when they convinced themselves that they created/generated 'ELECTRICITY'.
Shakespeare wrote "What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet"; therefore by his elocutionary authority we can consider ourselves sanctioned to enjoy two identifications (such as pooch and dog, or electricity and light) for the very same thing, yet we do ourselves a great disservice when we refuse to savor the sweet aromatic excellence of intellect and understanding through witness.
And so our delicate and precious bud of the most aromatic ‘WHAT IS’ YAHWEH continues to blossom.